Animal Testing (Vivisection)

Each year inside British laboratories, around 4 million animals undergo experiments that may cause “pain, suffering, distress and lasting harm" (experiments that are considered unlikely to cause pain do not need to be licensed and are therefore not included in the annual statistics). Nor does this figure include the additional millions who are bred and then destroyed as surplus to requirements. Many alternatives to the use of live animals exist in research but humane science is under-funded and there is a general lack of awareness surrounding the subject. Besides saving countless animal lives, alternatives to animal tests are more efficient and reliable. Unlike crude, archaic animal tests, non-animal methods usually take less time to complete, cost only a fraction of what the animal experiments they replace cost, and are not plagued with species differences that make extrapolation difficult or impossible.

Further information:

British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV)

Dr. Hadwen Trust

Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments

National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS)

Safer Medicines

Uncaged Campaigns